Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Graduate Survey

I failed to notice that they asked for the two most significant ways I grew at the University. I've been frustrated with life the whole time. I vented it. They asked for it. But they didn't ask for that much. Oops. Shall i put it on the internet and possibly doom any chances I might have for future employment when people see my surly pity party? Good question. I need to get it out somewhere. Somewhere I can reach it and laugh at myself later when life is inexplicably good. Internet will have to do.

Here it schwas:

I learned that I can survive without meaningful relationships, but I don't want to. Anywhere I lived.

I learned that dating at BYU is for Freshmen and Juniors [oops, I meant Sophomores. It's just that everyone here is my junior], and if I try for anyone I'll get shut down immediately. Any ward I lived in.

I learned that sleep is more important than studying. On campus when the janitors repeatedly kicked me out of buildings where I was trying to finish my projects on time, because they close at 11 P.M., but sometimes they wouldn't come by so I just stayed until 6 A.M.

I learned that people care more about what you can do, than about which classes you've taken at which school.

I learned that hard work doesn't get you anywhere sometimes. Sometimes you have to stop working and sharpen your saw.

I learned that every girl worth pursuing already has a boyfriend, or doesn't want to date at this time in her life, until someone else shows up.

I learned that teachers are some of the kindest, most helpful people on Earth, and although they'll make you work for your learning, they'll help you fill in the holes you couldn't understand on your own in sufficient time otherwise, and they do care very much about you.

I learned a lot of things about marriage and family and the law of chastity that I may never get to apply in my life because I never learned how to get anywhere near the point where any of those things would be an issue.

I learned that I attract suicidal, depressed, or otherwise downtrodden people and that they trust me with all their feelings and life histories, and I can cheer them up when nobody else can. they come by the apartment or invite me to theirs all the time.

I learned that hanging out is a prerequisite to getting a 2nd date, despite the counsel on hanging out. No dating is possible without it. I learned that there is a point where the hanging out has to stop and be replaced by commitment, but I never seem to get that far.

I learned that girls are incapable of keeping secrets. Not one girl I have ever told a secret ever kept it to herself. She only shared it with people she could trust. Guess who they share it with?

I'm finding this somewhat cathartic. Shall I continue? I don't mean to vilify or demean. I'm just very frustrated, and, well, you asked. Ergo, a continuation of my tirade....

I learned how much studying is too much. When your brain puffs out like an extinguished candle but you fear for your future, which is controlled by an arbitrary scale of 0.0-4.0 which is supposed to measure your usefulness to society. So you keep going because you don't want to fail. That is too much studying. If you cannot avoid this phenomenon, it is because you didn't pick the right combination of classes to keep it all balanced. Too bad. you already paid for your classes. You can't quit now and try later or you have to pay back your financial aid. What? You can't afford to? Too bad. Your only choice is to fight and claw your way to the light at the end of the tunnel. Don't complain. This builds character and helps you age faster, thereby making you more mature than you ever wanted to be.

I hope my sarcasm is amusing and not downpressing, if I might coin a Rastafarian term. I've developed a bit of a dark sense of humor so I hope you chuckle rather than weep. I am complaining, no bones about that. But if my life is a joke, and it is, laughing seems in order.

I learned that if you haven't been eating enough during the week, fasting bears little spiritual fruit.

I learned that there is not a soul within 1000 miles capable of understanding me. But I also learned that I survive this, too. Every one of those souls who doesn't understand, even the so-called "professional" counselors and psychiatrists, cares. That's worth something.

I learned that people in general don't want to be precise about things when it's not required. Those who do are fun to banter with, however.

I learned that some people will put up with you and love you no matter how unpleasant you become. Those people are worth being more pleasant for, as they do have their limit.

I learned that God answers questions about Intergration in Calculus, if you're humble enough to listen. Major life decisions on the other hand, well, those are mostly up to you, but you should check with Him on them often, in the rare case that He has another opinion on the matter. You don't want to miss it if He does. So far no dice for the major stuff. I still often wonder why that is. Maybe I haven't been good enough? That's certainly a possibility.

Oh wait. I haven't yet learned to read instructions carefully. You asked for one or two most significant ways I grew or developed. Oops. Well Now I have to think harder. My domain is much larger than my range, and that makes things weird. Oh well.

I forgot to copy the shorter answer. But its general idea was that most of my growth happened in the very rare moments when I actually felt like I had time for myself and God, and didn't have to think about coursework or other people at the moment.

Okay, I'm cathartized. If that's a word. Most words I make up turn out to be in the dictionary so I think I'm safe.

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